Capturing your Self-Confidence
3:40:00 pmSelf-confidence is a weird beast. Have too much of it and you can be seen as egotistical. Have too little confidence and you are insecure. Confidence is one of my favourite features about people. It makes them more compelling, interesting, attractive, and inspiring. Confidence isn't something that you can magically get out of thin air. It does take time.
However, I do believe that there are ways to encourage your self confidence to grow. Even without taking ten thousand selfies. Most are simple changes to your everyday routine but they can have life changing affects.
Positive people tend to be happy. Happy people exude confidence. Ergo, being more positive can be one great way to improve your self-confidence and also to improve your life. Positivity leads to productivity, achievements, and so much more. When you believe you can do something, you will. It's an easy thing to say, "be more positive" but not an easy thing to actually do. Go slow and try to be upbeat about the little things. Small accomplishments like checking something off a to-do list are a way to start. When something negative happens, try to find a silver lining. If you can't find one about that negative event, try to think of something else that happened that day that is a good thing and can put you back in the positive mindset. Not everyday will be a good, perfectly positive day, and that's okay. Just try your best to encourage yourself and remain optimistic about who you are and the possibilities that are just ahead of you.
2) Doll Yourself Up
When I say "doll yourself up", I don't mean that you should go to town and coat yourself in make-up and the most expensive clothes ever. But looking nice can always put a spring in one's step and it's exactly that spring that would help you feel more confident. So take the time, on days when you feel a little insecure, to put on that shirt you love that looks great on you. Or spend a little extra time on your hair, styling it in a fun or cool way. Maybe put on a bright lipstick that makes you feel powerful. Appearance isn't everything and it is not the most important thing when it comes to being confident. But walking out the door and starting your day with extra special something is like wearing invisible armor that makes you ready to face anything.
3) Get Organized
Confidence is a state of mind, and the easiest way I've found to be confident and stay confident is to be organized. If you know what you are doing and where you are going, there is no room for insecurities to creep in and ruin your day. If you are direction-ally challenged like myself, leave the house early and plot out your route in advance so you know you won't be late and don't have to stress. Make to-do lists on your phone or in a note pad of whatever you want to get done for the day. Check off every item you complete. It is the best feeling and the reward you will get is a renewed sense of accomplishment. This in turn will make you feel good about yourself and your confidence will grow.
4) Don't Be Afraid To Feel Bad
A lot of people feel they can't be truly confident until they feel perfectly together. That's wrong. It doesn't matter. You don't have to have everything together to be confident in yourself. To err is human, as wise men once said, and to be human is beautiful. Don't let past mistakes overwhelm you or drag you down. Just embrace them. Don't be afraid to make fun of yourself. The most confident people are the ones who are not afraid to be silly or to mess up. They are comfortable with themselves despite life's troubles or any blunders they may make. It's the fact that they are so okay with themselves despite of their faults that makes their self-confidence shine brighter.
5) Love Yourself
This is the hardest one on the list. It sounds so easy, to love yourself. It is preached to us in movies and music and books and sounds like the easiest thing in the world. But self-doubt, the enemy of self-confidence is hard to get away from. When you are having a down day or you are feeling insecure, reach out to a friend or loved one you know has your back and let them pep you up. We are all our own worst critic. It's hard to shut that off, judging yourself or comparing yourself to others. I'm not saying you have to completely destroy your inner critic in order to be self-assured. But embracing every part of yourself, the good and the bad, is a good place to start.
All photos by Jared Simpson